Creating a Grid Layer

Grid layers are simple to create, but require some configuration.

The first step is to add a grid layer to the canvas.

  1. Click the Design tab of the Experiment contextual menu set.
  2. Make sure you are viewing the Canvas.
  3. In the Add group, click Grid.

Add Grid Layer

  1. Draw the grid layer on the canvas by dragging the mouse over a group of wells.
  2. In the side panel that appears on the right of your screen, type a descriptive name for the layer in the Name box.
  3. In the Volume box, type a volume for the well solution.
  4. Click the Add Ingredient button.

Edit Grid Layer

  1. Select the ingredient type from the Type list.
  2. Click anywhere in the ingredient Name box to display the Ingredients panel.
  3. Type or select an ingredient.
  4. If you wish to vary the ingredient's concentration, select a variation from the Vary list. If your ingredient is a buffer, you can vary both concentration and pH.
  5. Type a start and stop concentration in the Start and Stop boxes.
  6. To add more ingredients, to the same layer, repeat steps 7-12.


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